This website collects certain personal data from its users.

Most of the information considered personal is collected directly from you when you:

  • create an account to use our Services;
  • ask our customer support team for help;
  • fill in a contact form or request a newsletter or other information;
  • take part in competitions and surveys, apply for job vacancies or take part in activities we promote which may require information about you.

However, we also collect additional information in the course of providing the Service in order to ensure essential and optimal performance.

Cookies and similar technologies on our websites and mobile applications allow us to track your browsing behaviour, such as links clicked and pages viewed. In particular, the data collected relates to your interaction with our website features or third-party features, such as social media plugins, on the Service; Internet Protocol (IP) address (for example, to determine your language preferences; browser type and settings; date and time of use of the Service; device type and settings; operating system used; application ID, the unique identifier of the device; and error data. These technologies also automatically collect data to measure website performance and improve our systems, including metadata, log files, page load times, server response times to optimise DNS resolution, network routing and server configuration.

We may receive additional data about you from other sources, such as publicly available databases, social networking platforms or third parties. In such cases, we may combine this data with information we already have about you to update, develop and analyse the accuracy of our records in order to provide services that may be of interest to you.

How we use information. We minimise the data we collect and limit its use and purpose only:

  • For data for which we have been given authorisation.
  • For the purposes of providing the Services you use.
  • Because we are required or authorised to deal with compliance.

To provide, improve, update and enhance our Services. We collect a variety of information about your use of and/or interaction with our Services. We use this information to:

  • To improve and optimise the operation and performance of our Services (again, including our website and mobile applications);
  • Diagnose problems and identify security and compliance risks, errors or upgrades required for the Service;
  • Detect and prevent fraud and misuse of our Services and systems.

Most of the data collected is aggregated or statistical data about how individuals use our Services and is not linked to personal information.